About the Association
The Cambrian Archaeological Association was founded in 1846 and it is a registered charity (no. 216249). Its charitable objects are ‘to examine, preserve and illustrate the ancient monuments and remains of the history, language, manners, customs, arts and industries of Wales and the Marches and to educate the public in such matters’.
Since its foundation the Association has published an annual journal, Archaeologia Cambrensis (free to members) which has contained articles by the foremost scholars of the day on historical documents, architectural history, family history and archaeological monuments, finds and excavations. The Journal continues to publish definitive reports on recent and important archaeological work in Wales.
Alongside its role as a publisher of important historical records and new thinking the Association has always seen itself as a society of like-minded friends who enjoy sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm for the past. The summer meetings of the Association were very notable gatherings in the nineteenth century and they continue to be so today.
The Association holds two meetings each year, a week in mid-summer and an autumn weekend, visiting sites and monuments in all parts of Wales and, on occasions, in England, Ireland and abroad.
An annual spring meeting highlighting current research topics and methods in Welsh archaeology, especially those aided by CAA Research grants, is planned from 2020. Two joint day conference meetings with other societies will take place in 2019 which will be developed in future years.
It arranges a lecture in Welsh at the National Eisteddfod each year.
The Association seeks to build up its Research Fund which gives grants to a wide variety of projects in Wales and the Marches. The junior or schools prize from the Blodwen Jerman is now awarded and administered through The Welsh Heritage Schools Initiative.
‘Out with the Cambrians’ – a visit to Strata Florida in 1847
Constitution of the Cambrian Archaeological Association – The Speech House Laws