Michael Freeman: Welsh Costume / Gwisg Gymreig (Cambrian Christmas Lecture 2024)
On 11th December 2024, Cambrians were treated to a wonderful lecture given by Michael Freeman on Welsh costume as worn by women in Wales from the mid-18th to mid-20th centuries….
Richard Suggett: Discovering Wallpaintings in Welsh Churches
Cambrian and RCAHMW Christmas Lecture 2022 Wallpaintings are an ephemeral but unexpectedly resilient and revealing form of decoration. This talk explores some of the themes in the Royal Commission’s recent…
Adam Gwilt: The Pembrokeshire Chariot Burial Project (Cambrian Christmas Lecture 2021)
Adam Gwilt of Amgueddfa Cymru–National Museum of Wales discusses one of the most remarkable late prehistoric finds of recent times, an Iron Age chariot burial discovered in 2018 in Pembrokeshire….