Cambrian Archaeological Association Annual General Meeting: 7.30pm, 15 October, 2020
The Cambrian Archaeological Association Annual General Meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday 15 October at 7.30pm. Invitations with access details and password will be sent out to members nearer the time via the Cambrians’ email list. I will endeavour to send them separately to Cambrians who are not on that list but who have already indicated to me that they wish to attend.
The Agenda, minutes of the 2019 AGM and the 2019-20 Annual Accounts are attached. Reports from the Chairman, Secretary, Editor, Treasurer, Programme and Membership Secretary, Outreach and Social media officers will be given verbally. The reports and the accounts will need to be approved by members at the meeting.
The main business is the election of Trustees and Officers for the Association for year 2020-2021. The existing Trustees have indicated their willingness to stand for election for the next year save for Mary Dodd who has sent a letter of resignation. This adds another vacancy to the one existing and the Association recently contacted the membership requesting volunteers to serve on the Board of Trustees. We were pleased to receive five expressions of interest that resulted in two formal applications: Rachel Swallow and Tudur Davies.
Dr Rachel Swallow is currently Research Fellow at the Universities of Liverpool and Chester. Her speciality is the study of medieval castles and she has written extensively on castles throughout the UK, particularly those of Cheshire and north Wales. Her paper on Caernarfon Castle was recently published in Archaeologia Cambrensis and she has considerable experience in lecturing, public engagement and editorship.
Dr Tudur Davies is a lecturer at the University of Cardiff and has worked in archaeology in Wales, UK and overseas for fifteen years. The winner of the Blodwen Jarman prize in 2007, he has developed a speciality within environmental and landscape archaeology and has had considerable experience with working with student and community groups.
The membership is asked to consider and approve the re-election of the existing Trustees:
Bill Britnell (Hon Editor)
Jenny Britnell (Hon Treasurer)
Marie-Thérèse Castay
Muriel Chamberlain
Rhiannon Comeau (Hon Outreach officer)
Andrew Davidson
Toby Driver
Fiona Gale
Heather James (Hon Secretary)
Frances Lynch-Llewelyn (Hon Membership and Programme Secretary)
Prys Morgan
Brian Newman
Sian Rees (Chair)
and the election of two new Trustees:
Tudur Davies
Rachel Swallow
Our member Genevieve Cain is a co-opted attendee at the Board of Trustees, responsible for the Association’s social media.
Participation on Zoom meetings is restricted to 100. Voting is done by clicking on the ‘Participants’ button and pressing the yes or no options. In order to facilitate this process, we propose to follow the method adopted by other societies whereby only those who are voting against or abstaining will need to vote. Those who are voting for the proposals will not need to do anything. But we will run through these measures at the start of the meeting.
If any members wish to bring up any matters for consideration at the AGM, they should notify Heather James ( by 30 September.
Sian E Rees
Chairman of Trustees
15 September 2020
Cambrian Archaeological Association 167th Annual General Meeting, 2020
The AGM will be held by Zoom, at 7.30pm on Thursday 15 October, 2020
- Welcome and arrangements for Zoom meeting
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of 166th AGM, 2019
- Matters Arising not otherwise on the Agenda
- Chairman’s Report
- Secretary’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Adoption of Audited Accounts for 2019-20
- Editor’s Report
- Membership Secretary’s Report
- Programme Secretary’s Report: Future Meetings and Events
- Outreach Officer’s Report
- Social Media Officer’s Report
- Election of Trustees for 2020-21
- Date and Time of 168th AGM for 2021
Click here to download the Minutes of the 2019 AGM
Click here to download the Trustees’ Report and Account for 2019